It's time to take a look in the mirror and decide.

How much longer do you want to feel this way? How long are you going to settle with living like this?

Your hormones are out of balance, you are struggling with low energy, and not to mention the weight you have been trying to be rid of for years.

Do you want to stay in this place, or are you ready to look and feel completely different?

It's time to take a look in the mirror and decide.

How much longer do you want to feel this way? How long are you going to settle with living like this?

Your hormones are out of balance, you are struggling with low energy, and not to mention the weight that you have been trying to be rid of for years.

Do you want to stay in this place, or are you ready to look and feel completely different?

Recalibrate your hormones and metabolism with one easy-to-follow plan that brings your body back into alignment, so you can lose the weight and keep it off for good.

Because when you focus on supporting your metabolism, regulating your hormones, and healing your gut, you remove the top 3 barriers keeping you stuck in a cycle of losing and gaining, over and over again.

This plan is focused on reducing inflammation, rebalancing hormones, and reversing insulin resistance. So if any of this sounds familiar, then this is the program for you

Losing the weight and keeping it off is easy when you focus on the right things. Even better?

When you follow this meal plan you won’t have to think about it, it will just happen.

Oh hey!! I'm Amy, your Metabolic Bestie!

This is me pushing 290 lbs, the shapewear I had to wear to avoid chaffing in this photo, taken on a hot humid day in Jamaica, was, to be honest, not a good time.

This is me years before I realized that although big can be beautiful, I was not, in fact, healthy.

And things did not improve from here...

Have you ever felt like feeling sick and broken is just how it's supposed to be when you are a woman?

I thought for a long time, the things that my body was doing were just normal, in fact so many women seemed to have it worse, so, I just assumed I was fine. Even though my body was clearly being a Ross about it.

For years, it's been “normal” for women to struggle,

with our weight, our hormones, and our moods.


  • Painful or irregular periods
  • Excessive
  • PMS and PMDD
  • Menopausal belly OR insanity
  • Depression, anxiety, and mood imbalances
  • Low energy and motivation
  • Sore joints, stiff muscles, for no reason, ( PS. it's not aging!)



Your metabolic health has unknowingly been wreaking havoc on your body.

As your body becomes insulin resistant, the downstream effects on your body begin to affect your day-to-day wellness. You find it harder and harder to show up for your body, your family, and yourself.

Over time impacts your longevity and ability to live a health-filled life. Leaving you feeling stuck on the couch, watching other people live the life that you want to be living on social media. I say this with love and compassion, this was me too.

This is why I don’t focus on fixing your estrogen or optimizing your progesterone, I focus on the root, the big IMBALANCE, leading to all the others.

When you focus on this one thing, your metabolic health, all areas of your body can come back into balance.

And that is why I am bringing you the METABOLISM MAKEOVER Meal Plan

It's time to make optimal nutrition and feeling good your new normal.

Best yet, this plan makes it easy!

When it was time to start trying to have a family, I was approaching 300 lbs, despite the fact that I had been on countless diets over the years, from vegan to paleo, even the HCG diet.

My hormones were more messed up than ever.

But, I knew I was meant to be a Mom, and so I figured it out.

I found out how to feed my body so that it could come back into balance, and it did, those two little cuties are my biggest proof that a holistic keto diet heals the body.

By feeding my body the right foods, I was finally able to be a Mom.

$20 a month and never having to think about what to eat or buy again?

You can have total confidence in knowing, I've got you covered!

A weekly plan in your inbox every Friday morning, full of delicious and nutritious meals that will get your hormones jiving and your energy flowing.

And to make it REALLY easy for you, you will also get a grocery list so you know exactly what to buy when you head to the store.

The best part is that it is actually 2 plans, because each week you will get both a low-carb plan AND a keto plan so you can decide what works in your life right now, both options will help your body feel better and allow it to come back into balance.

I want you to have both because even as an avid keto-er I know it's hard to do keto ALL OF THE TIME, so now you will know what to eat when not on keto to make sure you're always know exactly what to eat for your metabolic health.

This is a done-for-you plan, which means no more guesswork on what to eat, so you can get healthy without overthinking it.

Every Friday morning you will get the plan and a shopping list in your inbox, all you need to do is pick up the ingredients. You can relax and just watch a show instead of spending hours trying to figure out what to eat and saving recipes on your Pinterest that you will probably actually never do anything with.

With the shopping list in hand, you can head to the store and know exactly what to buy and what not to buy, saving you time and money.

With new recipes every week, you will not get bored. You will get to try new foods and flavours, and you will discover how amazing healthy can taste!

Your Metabolism Makeover Meal Plan is exactly what you need to take the guesswork out of feeling INCREDIBLE and losing weight for good.

The best part? I take care of your macros, with a well-balanced plan to ensure you are getting not only the big, macronutrients your body needs like protein and healthy fats, but also those other smaller, micronutrients that you need to feel your best.

You will no longer have to worry if you're getting the right amount of protein or iron, this plan, I make meeting your nutrition needs simple and easy.

I do the work so you don't have to!

I am an expert in nutrition and metabolic health. This means that I can create a plan that will support all the metabolic processes in the body that will work for most people. Please note, that there will be some women who will need a more personalized approach to feel their absolute best but overall this plan will provide the following benefits for everyone

  • Weight Loss
  • Lowering inflammation
  • Restoring hormone balance
  • Stronger hair and nails
  • Better skin and anti-aging benefits
  • More energy and motivation
  • Increases vitality, and sex drive
  • Added longevity and healthy years in your life
  • Confidence in knowing you are taking care of your body
  • More free time to live your new and improving life

After becoming a Mom I realized that I wanted to help other women do what I had done, rebalance their bodies, and make their health and wellness dreams come true, so I went back to school to get my diploma in Holistic Nutrition, from Nutraphoria. I am also a member of the National Association of Holistic Professionals

Now I am on a mission to help women transform their lives, and learn how amazing it can feel to be a woman!

Whatever your health dreams are I am here to support you in achieving them!

My healing journey is ongoing, using keto to lose 90 lbs and counting!

This meal plan sounds amazing but would you also love even more support?

Then join THE KETO COLLECTIVE to get the meal plans AND weekly group checkins, with me live!

*Opt-in to the Keto Collective*

at checkout for an additional $13 to get access to weekly meetings and an online support group so you can join our membership and have access to weekly live Q&As with Amy.

Not being alone on your wellness journey will truly allow you to transform your life, with support and encouragement from a community of women, and expert advice from me, your metabolic bestie!

That means for $33 a month you can have weekly meal plans AND an amazing,supportive community too!


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes, you can log into the She Ketos website and cancel whenever it's right for you

What about food sensitivities?

Most recipes will have substitutions for foods that are common sensitivities like dairy. If there is a recipe that does not have a substitution and contains foods that you can not eat, you can swap in another recipe from the week very easily.

How fast will I lose weight?

This plan focuses on the hormones of weight loss, not starvation weight loss. For some, it may take a couple weeks to start to really see the scale move. It will be different for everyone. Some women will lose inches before pounds as their body builds muscle as it burns fat on this plan. This is not a crash diet plan but a get healthy and lose weight sustainably plan.