About Me

One day you wake up and you are hit with the realization that you are not healthy. Some of us just became fed up with feeling the way we feel, and some of us are given this life-changing diagnosis that sends us through a tailspin.

And for me, that was infertility.

Until that point I was blissfully in denial about my health, I was so sure that I was healthy fat and that I really wasn't that fat. I had body dysmorphia in the sense that I never saw how big I was in the mirror.

I didn't allow myself to see how unhealthy I was. Afterall you can be healthy at any size... right?

When we couldn't have a baby I headed off to the doctors and was told I was fine. Maybe I could lose a few pounds but I was healthy. Faced with the reality that IVF was where we were headed next, my husband and I headed to a naturopath to see if there was a more natural path to healing.

After a comprehensive round of testing, both my husband and I were given huge lists of things that needed to be healed. It turns out I was not healthy, my hormones were completely out of balance, I was insulin resistant and my cortisol was completely dysregulated.

Through this whole process, I learned that there is a big difference between normal and optimal when it comes to medical testing. I learned that so much of the population is "sick" that normal ranges no longer mean healthy.

I learned that when we start to understand what true health actually looks like vs what we call health right now is very different. Our body is telling us in its own language that something is wrong, and often what is wrong. Our job is to learn how to understand what it is saying. Everything from mood imbalances to achy joints is a message for us to listen to. I learned that our body isn't made of separate systems that each do a job, but in fact, every cell and nerve is connected and works together for your highest good.

I also learned that when you take action to heal your body that you actually can heal.

Education and Certifications

◦ Nutraphoria - Holistic Nutrition Practioner -2020-2022

◦ Transformation Academy - Allowing Success Coach 2020

◦ Certified Coaches Federation - Life Coach 2020

Amy Hume

Registered Holistic Nutrition Practioner